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dc.contributor.advisorQuiroz Quiñones, Luises_PE
dc.contributor.authorSaucedo Diaz, Yhojanna Margori-
dc.creatorSaucedo Diaz, Yhojanna Margori-
dc.identifier.citationY. M. Saucedo Diaz. "Diseño de la trocha carrozable en la localidad de Chahuarpata, Paquihuas–Huaranguillo, distrito de Pisuquia, región Amazonas, año 2021," tesis de licenciatura, Fac. de Ingienería, Univ. USAT, Chiclayo, Perú, 2023. [En línea]. Disponible en:es_PE
dc.description.abstractLa presente tesis tiene como objetivo elaborar el estudio definitivo de la carretera para la localidad de Chahuarpata, Paquihuas– Huaranguillo, distrito de Pisuquia, Región Amazonas. Actualmente, estos anexos no cuentan con este medio, para así poder tener un desarrollo económico, social y económico. Tiene un enfoque de investigación cuantitativo, de tipo descriptivo, con un diseño no experimental, además de una orientación aplicada. Se realizó estudios básicos de ingeniería como es estudio de tráfico, levantamiento topográfico de los trazos planteados, optando por la ruta que genera mayor beneficio social y un mínimo impacto ambiental, también estudios de mecánica de suelos, estudio hidrológico, estudio de señalización, estudio de canteras, fuentes de agua y estudio de impacto ambiental. Obteniendo como resultados una longitud de 16.708 km, según la demanda es trochas carrozables carretera de bajo volumen de tránsito; con un IMDA < 200 veh/día, es un terreno de tipo 3 accidentado, asimismo presentan CBR entre 17.3, 16.1, 14.1, 24.5, 22, 17.2 y son suelos SC arenosos-arcillosos y GC grava grada con arcilla, alcantarillas de 36”, cunetas de 0.75x0.25x0.5, asimismo una superficie de rodadura a nivel de afirmado con espesor de 20 cm mediante el método NAASRA. Mediante la elaboración del presente proyecto se obtendrá una mejor viabilidad y un mayor beneficio económico, social, cultural y ambiental para satisfacer las necesidades de la población que tenga una influencia directa e indirecta. Finalmente llegando a concluir de que el proyecto es viable y ambientalmente sostenible.es_PE
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this thesis is to prepare the definitive study of the road for the town of Chahuarpata, Paquihuas-Huaranguillo, district of Pisuquia, Amazonas Region. Currently, these annexes do not have this means, in order to have economic, social and economic development. It has a quantitative, descriptive research approach, with a non-experimental design, in addition to an applied orientation. Basic engineering studies were carried out, such as a traffic study, a topographical survey of the proposed lines, opting for the route that generates the greatest social benefit and a minimum environmental impact, as well as soil mechanics studies, a hydrological study, a signaling study, a study of quarries, water sources and environmental impact study. Obtaining as a result a length of 16,708 km, according to the demand, it is a highway with low volume of traffic; with an IMDA < 200 veh/day, it is a rugged type 3 terrain, they also present CBR between 17.3, 16.1, 14.1, 24.5, 22, 17.2 and are SC sandy-clayey soils and GC gravel harrow with clay, 36” culverts , gutters of 0.75x0.25x0.5, as well as a rolling surface at the level of the pavement with a thickness of 20 cm using the NAASRA method. Through the elaboration of this project, a better viability and a greater economic, social, cultural and environmental benefit will be obtained to satisfy the needs of the population that has a direct and indirect influence. Finally reaching the conclusion that the project is viable and environmentally sustainable.es_PE
dc.publisherUniversidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejoes_PE
dc.subjectDesarrollo rurales_PE
dc.subjectImpacto ambientales_PE
dc.subjectRural developmentes_PE
dc.subjectEnvironmental impactes_PE
dc.titleDiseño de la trocha carrozable en la localidad de Chahuarpata, Paquihuas–Huaranguillo, distrito de Pisuquia, región Amazonas, año 2021es_PE
dc.publisher.countryPEes_PEía Civil Ambientales_PE Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo. Facultad de Ingenieríaes_PE Civil Ambientales_PE
renati.jurorFernández Choquepuma, Miguel Ángeles_PE
renati.jurorGayoso Santacruz, Lino Alcibiadeses_PE
renati.jurorQuiroz Quiñones, Luises_PE
renati.jurorThe objective of this thesis is to prepare the definitive study of the road for the town of Chahuarpata, Paquihuas-Huaranguillo, district of Pisuquia, Amazonas Region. Currently, these annexes do not have this means, in order to have economic, social and economic development. It has a quantitative, descriptive research approach, with a non-experimental design, in addition to an applied orientation. Basic engineering studies were carried out, such as a traffic study, a topographical survey of the proposed lines, opting for the route that generates the greatest social benefit and a minimum environmental impact, as well as soil mechanics studies, a hydrological study, a signaling study, a study of quarries, water sources and environmental impact study. Obtaining as a result a length of 16,708 km, according to the demand, it is a highway with low volume of traffic; with an IMDA < 200 veh/day, it is a rugged type 3 terrain, they also present CBR between 17.3, 16.1, 14.1, 24.5, 22, 17.2 and are SC sandy-clayey soils and GC gravel harrow with clay, 36” culverts , gutters of 0.75x0.25x0.5, as well as a rolling surface at the level of the pavement with a thickness of 20 cm using the NAASRA method. Through the elaboration of this project, a better viability and a greater economic, social, cultural and environmental benefit will be obtained to satisfy the needs of the population that has a direct and indirect influence. Finally reaching the conclusion that the project is viable and environmentally sustainable.es_PE
usat.lineaDesarrollo e innovación tecnológicaes_PE
Appears in Collections:Escuela de Ingeniería Civil Ambiental

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